
Track business analytics statistics about visits to your site, such as:

The data recorded by this server control is used by the Most Popular and Trends widgets' Most Viewed category. See also: Analyzing Websites

The data recorded is also used by the Classic Analytics Reports, available from the Ektron Workarea > Reports > CMS Site Analytics section.

IMPORTANT: Your site license key must support Analytics. You must also set the control's enableanalytics property to true or set the enableanalytics property to ConfigSpecified, and the enableAnalytics key in your web.config file to true

Use the ContentIdsList, DefaultContentID, and the DynamicParameter propertiesto determine which content items are viewed when a site visitor browses to a page that contains the control. The properties are additive; that is, they can be used together.

If you want to track your entire site, place an AnalyticsTracker server control on your master pages on your site templates, and use the DynamicParameter property.